Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Remembering Milton Friedman and Other Links for Your Classroom

  • July 31, 2012 is Milton Friedman’s 100thbirthday. Here are two readings to celebrate the occasion: Remembering the Real Milton Friedman (David Beckworth); and NGDP Targeting is the Natural Heir to Monetarism (yours truly).
  • Should the German public be angry about the euro crisis? Yes, but mad at whom? In this post, Josh Rosner gives a list—mad at EU technocrats who designed a bad system, mad at banks that made reckless investments, and others. Hat tip to Yves Smith via for a good summary.
  • Richard A. Muller, Prof. of Physics at UC Berkeley, used to be a climate skeptic. His studies of climate records led him to doubt the very existence of global warming. However, he believes that the duty of a scientist is to be skeptical. In this article from The New York Times, he explains how further research has convinced him that climate change is not only real, but is caused almost entirely by human activity.

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